10 of The Most Disgusting Animals You’ve Ever Seen

In the animal kingdom, not animals are as cute an cuddly as baby tigers or newborn kittens. Some have the faces that only their mother can love while other’s look like they’ve jumped out of some sci-fi slash fest. Here are some of the ugliest animals on the face of the planet.

1) The Blobfish


Quite possible one of the most depressing animals I’ve ever seen.

2) Kakapo


Even its name sounds unappetizing Kaka Po, two different ways of saying something that should be flushed down the toilet.

3) Proboscis Monkey


This creature looks like a mix between a dwarf from Lord of The Rings and a character that should be in the next Tin Tin movie.

4) Warthog


I have no idea why Disney chose this animal as The Lion King’s Pumbaa.

5) California Condor

6) Komodo Dragon


Weird eyes on a deformed snake?

7) Aye Aye

Aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) on a palm frond, Masoala Peninsula, Madagascar, Africa

So ugly it makes you say the beginning of ¡Ay, caramba! twice!

8) elephant seal


What you get when you mix a somewhat cute elephant with a somewhat cute seal.

9) Monkfish



This fish looks like it should be in the next Terminator movie.

10) Three toed sloth


Oddly weird smile from an oddly weird animal.


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