Shocking Video of 7 Burgers Rotting. You Won’t Believe How McDonald’s Looks

Truly disgusting video that might make you never eat fast burgers again! That’s right. I came across this video from the good folks at Buzzfeed Blue. It is an ingenious  experiment to see how, when left exposed for 30 days, do their famous cheeseburgers “age”. The specimens at task are:

  • McDonald’s
  • Burger King
  • Wendy’s
  • Carl’s Jr.
  • Jack in the Box
  • In-n-Out
  • Umami Burger

Take a gander on how each cheeseburger performed below…

After having my stomach convulse watching this, we can clearly see that, after 30 days, we have from WORST to BEST looking cheeseburger: Burger King, Umami, Wendy’s, Carl’s Jr., In-N-Out, Jack in The Box and last but not least; McDonald’s.

This little experiment just comes to show use how many preservatives are in the McD’s cheeseburgers. Now what would you prefer? To have as many preservatives so that your food can survive a Neutron Bomb, or something more organic that starts rotting as soon as it touches your shopping cart?



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